2009.09-2013.06 黑龙江工程学院 汽车与交通工程学院 车辆工程 工学学士
2014.09-2017.06 广西大学 机械工程学院 动力机械及工程 工学硕士
2017.09-2021.06 北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院 动力机械及工程 工学博士
2018.01-2020.01 北京工业大学 北京电动车辆协同创新中心 联合培养
2021.06-至今 燕山大学 车辆与能源学院 讲师、硕导(2022.06)、系副主任(2023.11)
(1) 教育部,"春晖计划"合作科研项目,HZKY20220239/202200137,可持续航空燃料转子机低温着火与燃烧机理研究,2023-05 至 2025-05,主持
(2) 广西壮族自治区科技厅,广西重点研发计划项目,2024AB12004,新能源汽车动力电池高效冷却系统关键技术研究及应用,2025-01 至 2027-12,燕山大学负责人
(3) 河北省教育厅,高等学校科学技术研究(青年基金)项目,QN2023224,湍流-蒸发-化学反应对燃烧室火焰淬熄的协同调控机制, 2023-01 至 2025-12,主持
(4) 陕西省交通新能源开发、应用与汽车节能重点实验室,开放基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目,300102222512,双燃料转子发动机互补燃烧及优化控制,2022-01 至 2023-12,主持
(5) 燕山大学,基础创新科研培育(青年)项目,2021LGQN011,氢气点燃诱导二甲醚可控压燃的着火燃烧机理及其实现机制的基础研究,2022-01 至 2023-12,主持
(1) 纪常伟, 马泽东, 汪硕峰, 杨金鑫, 史程. 一种压升率可控的直喷氢氧转子机及其控制方法: 中国, ZL201910203190.X[P]. 2020-11-06.
(2) 纪常伟, 马泽东, 汪硕峰, 杨金鑫, 徐溥言, 史程. 可控压升率的零氮烃类燃料点燃式转子机及其控制方法: 中国, ZL201811644122.9[P]. 2020-11-06.
(1) "全球前2%顶尖科学家"榜单入选者(2023)
(2) 北京市优秀博士学位论文奖(2022)
(3) 中国汽车工程学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖(2021)
(4) 博士研究生国家奖学金(2019)
(5) 硕士研究生国家奖学金(2016)
(6) 北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生(2021)
(7) 黑龙江省普通高等学校优秀毕业生(2013)
(8) 河北省优秀创新创业导师(2024)
[1] 史程*. 混合动力汽车的发展现状与未来. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报, 2012, 25(4): 46-47.
[2] 史程*, 杨升. 内燃机尾气排放检测系统的设计. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报, 2015, 28(6): 25-26.
[3] Haozhong Huang*, Qingxin Wang, Cheng Shi, Qingsheng Liu, Chengzhong Zhou. Comparative study of effects of pilot injection and fuel properties on low temperature combustion in diesel engine under a medium EGR rate. Applied Energy 2016; 179: 1194-1208.(SCI-Top)
[4] Haozhong Huang*, Qingsheng Liu, Cheng Shi, Qingxin Wang, Chengzhong Zhou. Experimental study on spray, combustion and emission characteristics of pine oil/diesel blends in a multi-cylinder diesel engine. Fuel Processing Technology 2016; 153: 137-148.(SCI-Top)
[5] 史程*, 张鹏, 黄豪中. 汽化潜热和黏度对含氧燃料喷雾特性影响研究. 科学技术与工程, 2016, 16(35): 211-214.
[6] 史程*, 刘泽潇, 王腾, 杨升. 喷射压力对生物柴油掺混燃料喷雾特性的影响. 交通科技与经济, 2016, 18(2): 62-65.
[7] 史程*, 王腾. 基于LabVIEW的定容弹压力采集系统设计. 汽车实用技术, 2016, (5): 65-67.
[8] 史程*, 王庆新, 于健. 柴油掺混燃料喷雾的可视化研究. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报, 2016, 29(4): 35-36.
[9] 黄豪中*, 史程, 张鹏, 王庆新, 刘庆生, 班智博. 喷射压力及环境背压对松油-柴油混合燃料喷雾特性的影响. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(17): 55-61.(EI)
[10] 黄豪中*, 史程, 张新赟, 朱赞, 王庆新, 刘庆生. 松油与柴油宏观喷雾特性的对比试验研究. 汽车工程, 2017, 39(5): 581-587.(EI)
[11] 王庆新, 黄豪中*, 史程, 王雪强, 周承忠, 刘庆生. 喷油正时和压力对混合燃料燃烧影响的试验. 内燃机学报, 2017, 35(3): 12-19.(EI)
[12] Jinxin Yang, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Du Wang, Cheng Shi, Zedong Ma, Boya Zhang. Numerical study of hydrogen direct injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a partially premixed gasoline Wankel rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2018; 176: 184-93.(SCI-Top)
[13] 黄豪中*, 史程, 刘庆生, 王庆新, 周承忠, 张鹏. 松油掺混燃料的喷雾及燃烧排放特性试验. 内燃机学报, 2018, 36(1): 37-43.(EI)
[14] 黄豪中*, 张新赟, 贾超杰, 史程, 滕文文. 喷油压力喷孔直径及燃油属性对混合柴油喷雾特性的影响. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(14): 45-51.(EI)
[15] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Xueyi Li, Yunshan Ge. Numerical simulation on combustion process of a hydrogen direct-injection stratified gasoline Wankel engine by synchronous and asynchronous ignition modes. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 183: 14-25.(SCI-Top)
[16] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Xueyi Li, Yunshan Ge. Effects of hydrogen direct-injection angle and charge concentration on gasoline-hydrogen blending lean combustion in a Wankel engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 187: 316-327.(SCI-Top)
[17] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Zedong Ma, Yunshan Ge. Combined influence of hydrogen direct-injection pressure and nozzle diameter on lean combustion in a spark-ignited rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 195: 1124-1137.(SCI-Top)
[18] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Jianhui Bao, Jinxin Yang. Numerical study on ignition amelioration of a hydrogen-enriched Wankel engine under lean-burn condition. Applied Energy 2019; 255: 113800.(SCI-Top)
[19] Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Teng Su, Du Wang. Effect of dual-spark plug arrangements on ignition and combustion processes of a gasoline rotary engine with hydrogen direct-injection enrichment. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 181: 372-381.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@May-Jul.2020)
[20] Jinxin Yang, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Cheng Shi, Du Wang, Zedong Ma, Zixuan Yang. Numerical study of compound intake on mixture formation and combustion process in a hydrogen-enriched gasoline Wankel rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 185: 66-74.(SCI-Top)
[21] Lei Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Xiaoyu Cong, Teng Su, Cheng Shi. Impacts of dimethyl ether enrichment and various injection strategies on combustion and emissions of direct injection gasoline engines in the lean-burn condition. Fuel 2019; 254: 115636.(SCI-Top)
[22] 黄豪中*, 贾超杰, 史程, 张新赟, 李俊启, 朱召军. 柴油/PODE3-4混合燃料喷雾特性的试验. 内燃机学报, 2019, 37(2): 12-20.(EI)
[23] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Zedong Ma, Hao Meng. Potential improvement in combustion behavior of a downsized rotary engine by intake oxygen enrichment. Energy Conversion and Management 2020; 205: 112433.(SCI-Top)
[24] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Zedong Ma, Puyan Xu. Assessment of spark-energy allocation and ignition environment on lean combustion in a twin-plug Wankel engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2020; 209: 112597.(SCI-Top)
[25] Changwei Ji*, Hao Meng, Shuofeng Wang, Du Wang, Jinxin Yang, Cheng Shi, Zedong Ma. Realizing stratified mixtures distribution in a hydrogen-enriched gasoline Wankel engine by different compound intake methods. Energy Conversion and Management 2020; 203: 112230.(SCI-Top)
[26] Puyan Xu, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Xiaoyu Cong, Zedong Ma, Chuanqi Tang, Hao Meng, Cheng Shi. Effects of direct water injection on engine performance in engine fueled with hydrogen at varied excess air ratios and spark timing. Fuel 2020; 269: 117209.(SCI-Top)
[27] Puyan Xu, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Xiaoyu Cong, Zedong Ma, Chuanqi Tang, Hao Meng, Cheng Shi. Effects of direct water injection on engine performance in a hydrogen (H2)-fueled engine at varied amounts of injected water and water injection timing. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020; 45: 13523-13534.(SCI-Top)
[28] 纪常伟*, 马泽东, 史程, 汪硕峰, 杨金鑫, 孟昊. 转速对复合进气掺氢双燃料转子机性能影响的数值模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(12): 3130-3138.(EI)
[29] 纪常伟*, 马泽东, 史程, 汪硕峰, 杨金鑫, 孟昊. 进气道结构对汽油转子发动机燃烧过程的影响. 北京工业大学学报, 2020, 46(4): 393-401.
[30] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Huaiyu Wang. Effects of split direct-injected hydrogen strategies on combustion and emissions performance of a small-scale rotary engine. Energy 2021; 215: 119124.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@Jul-Nov.2021)
[31] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Huaiyu Wang, Jinxin Yang. Parametric analysis of hydrogen two-stage direct-injection on combustion characteristics, knock propensity, and emissions formation in a rotary engine. Fuel 2021; 287: 119418.(SCI-Top)
[32] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Huaiyu Wang, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Yunshan Ge. Comparative evaluation of intelligent regression algorithms for performance and emissions prediction of a hydrogen enriched Wankel engine. Fuel 2021; 290: 120005.(SCI-Top)
[33] Cheng Shi, Changwei Ji*, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Huaiyu Wang. Experimental and numerical study of combustion and emissions performance in a hydrogen-enriched Wankel engine at stoichiometric and lean operations. Fuel 2021; 291: 120181.(SCI-Top)
[34] Changwei Ji*, Huaiyu Wang, Cheng Shi, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang. Multi-objective optimization of operating parameters for a gasoline Wankel rotary engine by hydrogen enrichment. Energy Conversion and Management 2021; 229: 113732.(SCI-Top)
[35] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang. Development of cyclic variation prediction model of the gasoline and n-butanol rotary engines with hydrogen enrichment. Fuel 2021; 299: 120891.(SCI-Top)
[36] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Shuofeng Wang, Jinxin Yang, Yunshan Ge. Investigation of the gas injection rate shape on combustion, knock and emissions behavior of a rotary engine with hydrogen direct-injection enrichment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2021; 46: 14790-14804.(SCI-Top)
[37] Xueyi Li, Xiangwei Kong*, Zhendong Liu, Zhiyong Hu, Cheng Shi. A novel framework for early pitting fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on dilated CNN combined with spatial dropout. IEEE Access 2021; 9: 29243-29252.(SCI)
[38] Xiangwei Kong*, Xueyi Li, Qingzhao Zhou, Zhiyong Hu, Cheng Shi. Attention recurrent autoencoder hybrid model for early fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2021; 70: 1-1.(SCI)
[39] Xueyi Li, Xiangwei Kong*, Jiqiang Zhang, Zhiyong Hu, Cheng Shi. A study on fault diagnosis of bearing pitting under different speed condition based on an improved inception capsule network. Measurement 2021; 182: 109656.(SCI)
[40] Xiaodong Yan, Huihua Feng*, Zhengxing Zuo, Zhiyuan Zhang, Limin Wu, Cheng Shi. A study on working characteristics of free piston linear generator with dual cylinder configuration by different secondary injection strategies. Energy 2021; 232: 121026.(SCI-Top)
[41] 马泽东, 纪常伟*, 史程, 杨金鑫, 李欣, 刘建峰. 端面进气角度对掺氢转子机性能的影响. 广西大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 46(2): 373-383.
[42] Cheng Shi, Peng Zhang*, Changwei Ji*, Liming Di, Zhaojun Zhu, Huaiyu Wang. Understanding the role of turbulence-induced blade configuration in improving combustion process for hydrogen-enriched rotary engine. Fuel 2022; 319: 123807.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@Jan.2023-Jan.2024)
[43] Cheng Shi*, Zheng Zhang, Changwei Ji*, Xueyi Li, Liming Di, Zhaoran Wu. Potential improvement in combustion and pollutant emissions of a hydrogen-enriched rotary engine by using novel recess configuration. Chemosphere 2022; 299: 134491.(SCI-Top, ESI热点论文@Jan-Mar.2023、高被引论文@Jan.2023-May.2024)
[44] Liming Di, Shiwei Zhang, Cheng Shi*, Zhuogang Sun, Qiang Ouyang, Fuxiang Zhi, Qixin Yang. Effect of ultrasonic-fed time on combustion and emissions performance in a single-cylinder engine. Chemosphere 2022; 302: 134924.(SCI-Top)
[45] Jianhui Bao, Pingping Qu, Huaiyu Wang*, Chunyu Zhou, Liang Zhang, Cheng Shi*. Implementation of various bowl designs in an HPDI natural gas engine focused on performance and pollutant emissions. Chemosphere 2022; 303: 135275.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@Jan-Mar.2025)
[46] Run Zou*, Yi Zhang, Jinxiang Liu, Wei Yang, Yangang Zhang, Feng Li, Cheng Shi*. Effect of taper intake port on combustion characteristics of a small-scaled rotary engine. Sustainability 2022; 14(23): 15809.(SCI)
[47] Zhaojun Zhu, Yikai Li*, Cheng Shi. Effect of natural gas energy fractions on combustion performance and emission characteristics in an optical CI engine fueled with natural gas/diesel dual-fuel. Fuel 2022; 307: 121842.(SCI-Top)
[48] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Yunshan Ge, Hao Meng, Jinxin Yang, Ke Chang, Zhenyu Yang, Shuofeng Wang, Xin Wang. Modeling and parametric study the performance-emissions trade-off of a hydrogen Wankel rotary engine. Fuel 2022; 318: 123662.(SCI-Top)
[49] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Yunshan Ge, Hao Meng, Jinxin Yang, Ke Chang, Shuofeng Wang. Comparison and evaluation of the advanced machine learning methods for performance and emissions prediction of a gasoline Wankel rotary engine. Energy 2022; 248: 123611.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@May-Jul.2023)
[50] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Jinxin Yang, Yunshan Ge, Shuofeng Wang, Ke Chang, Hao Meng, Xin Wang. Parametric modeling and optimization of the intake and exhaust phases of a hydrogen Wankel rotary engine using parallel computing optimization platform. Fuel 2022; 324: 124381.(SCI-Top)
[51] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Teng Su, Cheng Shi, Yunshan Ge, Jinxin Yang, Shuofeng Wang. Comparison and implementation of machine learning models for predicting the combustion phases of hydrogen-enriched Wankel rotary engines. Fuel 2022; 310: 122371.(SCI-Top)
[52] Liang Zhang*, Pingping Qu, Yuyan Jing, Xinyue Yao, Wenjie Wang, Cheng Shi. Mechanism analysis of the influence of nanoparticles on the convective heat transfer coefficient of traditional fluids. Materials Today Communications 2022; 32: 104091.(SCI)
[53] 马泽东*, 纪常伟, 史程, 杨金鑫, 李欣, 刘建峰, 隗立国. 周边气道形状对掺氢转子发动机缸内流场及燃烧性能的影响. 北京工业大学学报, 2022, 48(7): 762-772.
[54] 张世伟, 刘亚亭, 李磊, 史程, 邸立明*. 功率超声对燃烧工质活性与反应路径的调控特性. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2022, 36(12): 231-239.
[55] Cheng Shi*, Sen Chai, Liming Di, Changwei Ji*, Yunshan Ge, Huaiyu Wang. Combined experimental-numerical analysis of hydrogen as a combustion enhancer applied to Wankel engine. Energy 2023; 263: 125896.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@May-Sep.2023)
[56] Cheng Shi*, Sen Chai, Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Yunshan Ge, Liming Di. An insight into direct water injection applied on the hydrogen-enriched rotary engine. Fuel 2023; 339: 127352.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@Jan-Mar.2025)
[57] Jianhui Bao, Haohao Wang, Ruofei Wang, Qingxin Wang, Liming Di, Cheng Shi*. Comparative experimental study on macroscopic spray characteristics of various oxygenated diesel fuels. Energy Science & Engineering 2023; 11(5): 1579-1588.(SCI)
[58] Xueyi Li*, Tianyu Yu, Daiyou Li, Xiangkai Wang, Cheng Shi*, Zhijie Xie, Xiangwei Kong. A migration learning method based on adaptive batch normalization improved rotating machinery fault diagnosis. Sustainability 2023; 15(10): 8034.(SCI)
[59] Shiwei Zhang, Cheng Shi, Liming Di*. Numerical assessment of combustion behavior and emissions formations in an ultrasonic-assisted ignition engine. ACS Omega 2023; 8: 36418-36434.(SCI)
[60] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Cheng Shi, Jinxin Yang, Shuofeng Wang, Yunshan Ge, Ke Chang, Hao Meng, Xin Wang. Multi-objective optimization of a hydrogen-fueled Wankel rotary engine based on machine learning and genetic algorithm. Energy 2023; 263: 125961. (SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@May-Sep.2023)
[61] Huaiyu Wang, Changwei Ji*, Du Wang, Zhe Wang, Jinxin Yang, Hao Meng, Cheng Shi, Shuofeng Wang, Xin Wang, Yunshan Ge, Wenming Yang*. Investigation on the potential of using carbon-free ammonia and hydrogen in small-scaled Wankel rotary engines. Energy 2023; 283: 129166.(SCI-Top)
[62] Cheng Shi, Tengfei Cheng, Xiyu Yang*, Zheng Zhang, Ruiling Duan, Xujia Li*. Implementation of various injection rate shapes in an ammonia/diesel dual-fuel engine with special emphasis on combustion and emission characteristics. Energy 2024; 304: 132035.(SCI-Top)
[63] Cheng Shi, Zheng Zhang, Huaiyu Wang, Jingyi Wang, Tengfei Cheng, Liang Zhang*. Parametric analysis and optimization of the combustion process and pollutant performance for ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engines. Energy 2024; 296: 131171.(SCI-Top)
[64] Jian Lei, Sen Chai, Guohong Tian, Hua Liu, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Understanding the role of methanol as a blended fuel on combustion behavior for rotary engine operations. Energy 2024; 307: 132680.(SCI-Top)
[65] Xiyu Yang, Fangliang Yang, Nan Li, Liang Zhang, Jian Lei, Cheng Shi*, Yun Bai, Quan Dong. Study on prediction of gas injection mass fluctuation for hydrogen-diesel co-direct injection system: A prediction algorithm driven by model and perception iterative. Energy 2024; 308: 133002.(SCI-Top)
[66] Zheng Zhang, Liming Di*, Lei Shi, Xiyu Yang, Tengfei Cheng, Cheng Shi*. Effect of liquid ammonia HPDI strategies on combustion characteristics and emission formation of ammonia-diesel dual-fuel heavy-duty engines. Fuel 2024; 367: 131450.(SCI-Top)
[67] Jianhui Bao, Jian Lei, Guohong Tian, Xiaomeng Wang, Huaiyu Wang*, Cheng Shi*. A review of the application development and key technologies of rotary engines under the background of carbon neutrality. Energy 2024; 311: 133447.(SCI-Top)
[68] Zhaoran Wu, Qingkai Gu, Lei Wang, Guijing Li, Cheng Shi, Yufa He, Qingping Li, Yanghui Li*. Experimental study on permeability and gas production characteristics of montmorillonite hydrate sediments considering the effective stress and gas slippage effect. SPE Journal 2024; 29(05): 2525-2544.(SCI, ESI高被引论文@Jan-Mar.2025)
[69] 史程, 程腾飞, 石磊, 张正, 段瑞玲, 李徐佳*. 喷射速率型线对氨-柴双燃料发动机燃烧过程的影响. 科学技术与工程, 2024, 24(28): 12143-12151.
[70] 祝健, 雷健, 柴森, 王怀宇, 马泽东, 史程*. 纯氢及掺氢燃料转子发动机研究进展. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2024, 38(4): 212-228.
[71] 祝健, 雷健, 高嘉懿, 袁迈, 史程*. 激励参数对横流中合成射流绕流场的影响. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2024, 38(5): 242-248.
[72] 邸立明*, 欧阳强, 支富祥, 史程. 异辛烷燃烧过程的声场激励调控特性. 内燃机学报, 2024, 42(1): 26-34.(EI)
[73] Cheng Shi, Jian Lei, Guohong Tian, Zedong Ma, Xiyu Yang, Jian Zhu*. Numerical investigation recess geometry amelioration of an ammonia-hydrogen zero-carbon Wankel engine. Renewable Energy 2025; 242: 122497.(SCI-Top)
[74] Bo Sun, Yuyao Wang, Cheng Shi*, Fuquan Nie*, Xiaodong Yan. Combined effect of chamber geometry and compression ratio on the combustion process in a methanol-enriched rotary engine. Energy 2025; 318: 134772.
[75] Jian Lei, Junjie Niu, Guohong Tian, Gu Xin, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Advances in hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel for rotary engines: A review. Fuel 2025; 381: 133681.(SCI-Top)
[76] Tengfei Cheng, Ruiling Duan, Xueyi Li, Xiaodong Yan, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Progressive split injection strategies to combustion and emissions improvement of a heavy-duty diesel engine with ammonia enrichment. Energy 2025; 316: 134660.(SCI-Top)
(1) 《内燃机原理》 必修(本) 48学时
(2) 《热工基础》 必修(本) 16学时
(3) 《氢能与燃料电池车》 选修(本) 32学时
(4) 《氢能利用关键技术》 选修(硕) 24学时
(1) 燕山大学,2022年教学研究与改革(一般)项目,2022XJJG007,"内燃机原理"建设"课程思政"与"线上线下融合式+混合式教学"的实践研究,2022-12 至 2023-11,主持
(2) 燕山大学,2023年教学研究与改革(一般)项目,2023XJJG010, 本科生创新"自信、自觉、自省"三意识的培养路径探索,2023-12 至 2024-11,主持
(3) 燕山大学,2024年度国际化建设课题(一般)项目,24GJB16,海外经历对地方高校教师教学科研国际化构建的影响研究, 2023-12 至 2024-09,主持
(4) 燕山大学,2025年研究生教育教学改革优质课堂项目,氢能利用关键技术,2025-01 至 2026-01,主持
(1) 史程, 雷健, 张静, 张亮, 李楠. 基于混合式教学的《内燃机原理》课程改革与实践. 装备制造技术, 2023, (9): 119-122.
(2) 史程, 雷健, 张静, 路艳军, 邸立明. 海外经历对地方高校教师科研成果产出的影响研究. 黑龙江生态工程职业学院学报, 2024, 37(5): 89-95.
(3) 史程, 张亮, 李楠. 基于"自信、自觉、自省"的理工科教学路径探索. 林区教学, 2025, (5).(待刊)
(1) 2024年获评燕山大学第三届创新教育改革优秀论文
(1) 2025年河北省硕士在读研究生创新能力培养资助项目指导教师
(2) 2024年全国高校商业精英挑战赛创新创业竞赛全国一等奖指导教师
(3) 2024届燕山大学本科优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师
(4) 2025年燕山大学“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖指导教师
2022级硕士 动力工程
本科专业:太原理工大学 热能与动力工程
论文成果1:Cheng Shi*, Sen Chai, et al. Combined experimental-numerical analysis of hydrogen as a combustion enhancer applied to Wankel engine. Energy 2023; 263: 125896.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@May-Sep.2023)
论文成果2:Cheng Shi*, Sen Chai, et al. An insight into direct water injection applied on the hydrogen-enriched rotary engine. Fuel 2023; 339: 127352.(SCI-Top, ESI高被引论文@Jan-Mar.2025)
2023级硕士 动力机械及工程
本科专业:燕山大学 能源与动力工程
论文成果1:Jian Lei, Sen Chai, Guohong Tian, Hua Liu, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Understanding the role of methanol as a blended fuel on combustion behavior for rotary engine operations. Energy 2024; 307: 132680.(SCI-Top)
论文成果2:Jian Lei, Junjie Niu, Guohong Tian, Gu Xin, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Advances in hydrogen as a zero-carbon fuel for rotary engines: A review. Fuel 2025; 381: 133681.(SCI-Top)
论文成果3:Cheng Shi, Jian Lei, et al. Numerical investigation on recess geometry amelioration of an ammonia-hydrogen zero-carbon Wankel engine. Renewable Energy 2025; 242: 122497.(SCI-Top)
科研项目:河北省教育厅,在读研究生创新能力培养资助项目,CXZZSS2025035,面向零碳转子动力的氢氨高效燃烧调控机制研究,2024-12 至 2025-12,主持
2023级硕士 动力工程
本科专业:燕山大学 能源与动力工程
论文成果1:Tengfei Cheng, Ruiling Duan, Xueyi Li, Xiaodong Yan, Xiyu Yang, Cheng Shi*. Progressive split injection strategies to combustion and emissions improvement of a heavy-duty diesel engine with ammonia enrichment. Energy 2025; 316: 134660.(SCI-Top)
论文成果2:Cheng Shi, Tengfei Cheng, et al. Implementation of various injection rate shapes in an ammonia/diesel dual-fuel engine with special emphasis on combustion and emission characteristics. Energy 2024; 304: 132035.(SCI-Top)
论文成果3:史程, 程腾飞, 等. 喷射速率型线对氨-柴双燃料发动机燃烧过程的影响. 科学技术与工程, 2024; 24(28): 12143-12151.
2024级硕士 热能工程
本科专业:燕山大学 能源与动力工程
2019级硕士 车辆工程
本科专业:黄淮学院 汽车服务工程
论文成果1:Liming Di, Shiwei Zhang, Cheng Shi*, et al. Effect of ultrsonic-fed time on combustion and emissions performance in a single-cylinder engine. Chemosphere 2022; 302: 134924.(SCI-Top)
论文成果2:Shiwei Zhang, Cheng Shi, et al. Numerical assessment of combustion behavior and emissions formations in an ultrasonic-assisted ignition engine. ACS Omega 2023; 8: 36418-36434.(SCI)
论文成果3:张世伟, 刘亚亭, 李磊, 史程, 等. 功率超声对燃烧工质活性与反应路径的调控特性. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2022; 36(12): 231-239.
2021级硕士 车辆工程
本科专业:陕西科技大学 轻化工程
论文成果1:Cheng Shi*, Zheng Zhang, et al. Potential improvement in combustion and pollutant emissions of a hydrogen-enriched rotary engine by using novel recess configuration. Chemosphere 2022; 299: 134491.(SCI-Top, ESI热点论文@Jan-Mar.2023、高被引论文@Jan.2023-May.2024)
论文成果2:Zheng Zhang, Liming Di*, Lei Shi, Xiyu Yang, Tengfei Cheng, Cheng Shi*. Effect of liquid ammonia HPDI strategies on combustion characteristics and emission formation of ammonia-diesel dual-fuel heavy-duty engines. Fuel 2024; 367: 131450.(SCI-Top)
论文成果3:Cheng Shi, Zheng Zhang, et al. Parametric analysis and optimization of the combustion process and pollutant performance for ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engines. Energy 2024; 296: 131171.(SCI-Top)
2024级硕士 动力工程
本科专业:辽宁科技大学 能源与动力工程
2024级硕士 热能工程
本科专业:哈尔滨商业大学 能源与动力工程
(1) 中国内燃机学会青年工作委员会委员(2024-至今)
(2) 河北省科技特派员(2024-至今)
(3) 秦皇岛市科协智库专家(2024-至今)
(4) 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审人(2023-至今)
(5) 国内外学术期刊《内燃机学报》特邀编委(2022-至今)、《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》青年编委(2022-至今)、《International Journal of Hydromechatronics(机电液工程学报)》青年编委(2024-至今)、国际学术期刊《Clean Energy Science and Technology(清洁能源科学与技术)》青年编委(2024-至今)
(6) 国际学术期刊《Sustainability》专刊"Technology Applications in Sustainable Energy and Power Engineering"客座编辑(2024-2025)https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/GV06QST46V
(7) 国际学术期刊《Energies》专刊"Combustion and Application of Carbon Neutral Fuel in Internal Combustion Engine"客座编辑(2025)https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/TA35I637K7
(8) 国内学术期刊《重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)》"面向碳中和与先进动力的低碳和零碳技术路径及关键技术"专栏主编(2024-2025)https://mp.weixin.qq.com/journal/s/NqoU7sm37EbbJAbCNGoCqA
(9) 国内外学术期刊《汽车安全与节能学报》、《Applied Energy》、《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Energy》、《Fuel》、《Renewable Energy》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Proceedings of the Combustion Institute》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Physics of Fluids》、《ISA Transactions》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Journal of the Energy Institute》、《Measurement》、《International Journal of Energy Research》、《Thermal Science and Engineering Progress》、《Flow, Turbulence and Combustion》、《Atmospheric Pollution Research》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Energy Science & Engineering》、《Computational Materials Science》、《Desalination and Water Treatment》、《Environmental Engineering and Management Journal》、《Sensors》、《Mathematics》、《Diagnostics》、《Machines》、《Processes》、《Applied Sciences-Basel》、《SAE Technical Papers》、《Inderscience Journal》、《Chemosphere》等审稿人