2009.09-2011.07 东北石油大学地球科学学院资源勘查工程专业 工学学士
2011.08-2013.05 美国密苏里科技大学地球科学学院地质与地球物理专业 理学学士
2014.01-2019.12 美国路易斯安那大学工程学院石油工程专业 工学博士
2019.06-2019.12 美国Pegasus Vertex.Inc 公司 软件测试
2020.07-至今 燕山大学车辆与能源学院石油工程系 讲师
(1) Relating the Transport Behavior of Nanosensors to Rock Structure and Fluid Flow Properties in Geological Formation. Funded by Advance Energy Consortium (AEC), 7/2014 – 12/2017.
(2) Exploration of A Robust and Efficient Algorithm for Fluid Flow in Complex Fracture Networks. Funded by Louisiana Board of Regents Supports Fund R&D (RSC), 7/2017 – 6/2020.
(1) Luo, W., Wang, X., Tang C., Feng, Y., Shi, E., Productivity of multiple fractures in a closed rectangular reservoir, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, V157, 232-247, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2017.07.023 (2017) [SCI]
(2) Feng, Y., Cao, L., Shi, E., A numerical investigation of enhanced oil recovery using hydrophilic nanofluids, Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, V5, Issue1, DOI: 10.7569/jsee.2017.629505 (2017)
(3) Feng, Y., Shi, E., Zhu, M., Sun, T., Yu, X., Numerical Investigation of the Encapsulation Technology to Improve Polymer Injectability in Porous Media, Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, V6, DOI: 10.7569/jsee.2018.629509 (2017)
(4) Feng, Y., Shi, E., Luo, Y., Wang, B., Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Implementation of streamline simulation based on finite element method in FEniCS, Computational Geosciences, V24, 333-347 DOI: 10.1007/s10596-019-09923-7 (2019) [SCI]
(5) Luo, Y., Shi, E., Feng, Y., Guo, B., Zhang, L., Finite Element Investigation of Flow Field Below Asymmetric Drill Bits for Reverse Circulation in Drilling Tight Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, V121, 105-122, DOI 10.32604/cmes.2019.06500 (2019) [SCI]
(6) Shi, E., Feng, Y., Cure, D.A., Numerical Modeling the Behaviors of Sacrificial Polymers on Reducing Surfactant Loss, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, V142, Issue9, 10.1115/1.4046626 (2020) [SCI]